Partridge Hooks, Ideal Dry


Partridge Hooks, Ideal Dry

SUD   Black Nickel / Down-Eye

Captain Hamilton Bend, with longer shank for upwing and loop patterns. Long straight surehold-point makes for excellent hook setting.

Size 8-20

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Partridge Hooks, Ideal Dry

SUD   Black Nickel / Down-Eye

Captain Hamilton Bend, with longer shank for upwing and loop patterns. Long straight surehold-point makes for excellent hook setting.

Size 8-20

Semperfli Poly-Yarn (para post material)
Hemingway's Para Post Wing
Veniard Barred Tail Fibbets
UV2 Coq De Leon Perdigon Fire Tail Feathers

Partridge Hooks, Ideal Dry

SUD   Black Nickel / Down-Eye

Captain Hamilton Bend, with longer shank for upwing and loop patterns. Long straight surehold-point makes for excellent hook setting.

Size 8-20

Partridge Fine Dry Barbless Hooks
Ahrex FW503 – Dry Fly Light Barbless
Firehole Sticks 618
Ahrex 501 Traditional Dry Fly Hook Barbless
Daiichi 1100 Perfect bend wide gap dry fly hook