Fish Hunter Saddle Hackle
Fish Hunter Saddle Hackle
Fish Hunter Saddle Hackles come in 4-5 inch feathers. Saddle Hackle is a smaller hackle that is perfect for collars, small streamers, leeches, and tails.
Fish Hunter makes some of the best there is - they offer a consistent feather and hands down the largest color selection on the market.
Fish Hunter Saddle Hackle
Fish Hunter Saddle Hackles come in 4-5 inch feathers. Saddle Hackle is a smaller hackle that is perfect for collars, small streamers, leeches, and tails.
Fish Hunter makes some of the best there is - they offer a consistent feather and hands down the largest color selection on the market.
Fish Hunter Saddle Hackle
Fish Hunter Saddle Hackles come in 4-5 inch feathers. Saddle Hackle is a smaller hackle that is perfect for collars, small streamers, leeches, and tails.
Fish Hunter makes some of the best there is - they offer a consistent feather and hands down the largest color selection on the market.